Get a taste of what we do.


Big Rock Creek is a venue with determination to grow. They came to us wanting their July event recorded to share on social media with goals to gain the ultimate exposure.


When you choose a Realtor, you probably want to know how they value and how they operate. To show this, we put together a video from past clients, testimonials from team members and words from John Schuster himself.


This company needed an easy way to show their customers how to finish the flooring after purchasing their products. Creating an educational video was the easiest and most effective way to do so.


VFW Post 10818 explains their visions behind the new Freedom Park Center and the funding needed for the building to become a major, permanent community resource for New Richmond and the St. Croix County area.


Built from the ground up and ready to race for the 2023 season, our client wanted a video showcasing his new sprint car build and his sponsorships before he hit the track.

Check out our Real Estate Photography.

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